Friday, October 06, 2006

Darwin does the Tacoma waterfront (and gets political)

I had so much fun today!

My mom Lisa and her friend Morgain took me for a walk on the waterfront today after they got off work. (I napped with Bad Kitty today) Morgain didn’t bring Luna, which made me sad, but we’re going to meet for tea at the Mandolin Café tomorrow afternoon. We’re going to have so much fun!!! While our humans geek on the computer, we’re going to PLAY!!!

I LOVED the fishing pier, but Mommy wouldn’t let me go out there. She said that someone might use me for bait!

They have a very cool fire boat on display. I want to be a fire slug! You may not know this, but slime is an excellent fire suppressant. It works by cooling AND smothering. (removing heat and oxygen, two thirds of the “fire triangle”) See how my antennae are pointing the same way as the fire nozzle?

but the REALLY cool thing, is that I got to PROTEST!

United for Peace of Pierce County was out protesting against the bogus war in Iraq. The really cool guy that let me slime his protest sign is also a member of Veterans for Peace. If anyone has a moral and ethical right to protest, it’s a veteran who has “been there, done that”

Even a SLUG knows that this war is wrong and immoral

It’s been a busy day, and I’ve got another busy one tomorrow. I’ve got a "play date" tea with Luna tomorrow and a visit to Point Defiance with Molly on Sunday.

I am such a social slug! (but social slugs don't turn into social butterflys)

That’s it for now…


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